Solutions for Business Centres

Digital onboarding and safe visitor management makes a better environment for your clients.

AI based solution for a smart and safe business centre.

All business centres need to collect Govt. IDs of their clients while renting their space but without verification does it really help?

RVPeople validates Govt. IDs submitted in real-time and ensures always upto date info of your clients.

With a fake entry in your visitors register, your clients are at a huge risk of facing identity or financial fraud.

Our platform verifies visitors identity and contact details in real-time before they enter in your premises.

Are these register entries useful for you or your clients, can they be analysed if and when needed?

With RVPeople, you have an oversight of all the people entering in your premises that may help your clients too.

Safety, Integrity and Stability with People

The platform is safe, trustworthy and stable for your clients, their employees and visitors.

256-bit SSL

All the data on this platform is transmitted with 256-bit strong SSL encryption.

Secure Storage

All the users data is stored in secure database and the Govt. IDs in hackproof offline storage.

Fraud Prevention

Any financial or identity fraud caused by sensitive data leakage can be prevented.

Let's get in touch

Learn more about the platform and various use cases in your business.

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